Concert series NewSpiritMusic

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The Sonus Foundation has launched the NewSpiritMusic concert series in Budapest in 2017. The series aims to demonstrate the connection between new music and spirituality.  It also presents new music works that help in self-reflection and creates a common experience at the same time.

The concerts of the season 2023-24

12 May 2024 18:00 Deák Square Lutheran Church (1052 Budapest, Deák tér 4.)


Sermon with music


Dario Castello: Quarta Sonata (1621)   

Olivier Messiaen: Rondo (1943) 

Olivier Messiaen: Prelude No. 1 "The Dove" (1929) 

Olivier Messiaen: Prelude No. 5. "The Impalpable Sounds of a Dream" (1929) 

Lőrinc Szécsi : Ianus I-II for violin and marimba (2024, world premiere)

Andy Akiho: Ligneous Suite I (2010) 

Andy Akiho: Ligneous Suite II (2014) 

Andy Akiho: Ligneous Suite III (2014) 

György Ligeti : Musica Ricercata No. 7 (1951-1953)


Performed by

Tamás Schlanger (marimba)

Sonus Cordis Quartet: Eszter Krulik - violin, Réka Baksai - violin, Boglárka Szűcs - viola, Janka Jámbor - cello

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28 May 2024 19:00 Buda Castle Lutheran Church (Budapest, Táncsics Mihály u. 28, 1014)
Ajtony Csaba: Gossamer (2019)
Peter Eötvös: Lectures différentes (2014)
Daniel Peter Biro: Udvarim Achadim (2010-2023)
Claude Vivier: Pulau Dewata (1977)
Florence Tremblay: L’instant liquide (2023)
Gilles Tremblay: Levées (2009)
Performed by
Quasar Saxophone Quartet (Montréal)
8 June 2024 18:30 Downtown Saint Anne Church (Budapest, Szervita tér 6, 1052)
Olga Neuwirth (*1968): Akroate Hadal (1995)
Arnold Schönberg (1874-1951): Scherzo (1897)
György Kurtág (*1926): Hommage à Mihály András - Zwölf Mikroludien (1977/78)
Erwin Schulhoff (1894-1942): Fünf Stücke (1923)
Thomas Wally (*1981): Capriccio (III) giocoso, crudele e un poco amabile (2012)
Performed by
Ensemble Lux (Vienna)

The concerts of the season 2022-23

12 October 2022 19:00 Equilibrium
Hold Street Church
Solo concert of Csaba Klenyán (clarinet)
Lera Auerbach: Prayer
Csanád Kedves : Different Similarities
Wolfgang Rihm: Vier Male
Péter Zombola : 3 miniatür
Zsigmond Szathmáry : Signale
Giacinto Scelsi: Preghiera per un’ ombra
Csaba Klenyán : Karcolatok
Salvatore Sciarrino: Let me die before I wake
Gergely Vajda : Fényárnyék-remegés
13 November 2022 18:00 Reach
Deák Square Church
Sermon with music
Duo SeRa - Erzsébet Seleljo (saxophone), Anasztázia Razvaljaeva (harp)
Péter Tornyai: Narcissus
Máté Balogh: Kikaku & Basho
Márton Illés: Én-kör
Christian Wolff: Exercise No. 4 és No.16
Zoltán Jeney: Soliloquium
Barnabás Dukay: egymásban megosztva karácsonyt élni létszerelmes csend - hangszeres korálmotetta és double
Márton Levente Horváth: Litany
Tom Johnson: Counting Duet No. 1
Mátyás Wettl: My Favourite Instruments

The concerts of the season 2021-22

20 April 2022 18:00 Reach

Hold Street Church (Hold u. 18-20. Budapest)

György Kurtág: Message – Consolation à Christian Suter
György Kurtág: …eine Botschaft an Valérie
Samu Gryllus: Neues Stück (world premiere)*
Marton Illes: Psychogramm VI (world premiere)**
Luke Styles: Excite and Ionize the Flame (world premiere)***
Georges Aperghis: Opal Wood
Uli Fussenegger (double bass)
11 June 2022 18:00 Silence
Buda Castle Church (Budapest, Táncsics Mihály u. 28, 1014)
Johann Sebastian Bach: English Suite No. 2 in A minor BWV 807 - Preludium
Joseph Haydn: London trio in G major IV/2.
Anton Arensky: Chanson Triste Op. 56 No.3
Jacob Druckman: Reflections on the Nature of Water - VI.
Mkazi wa mulomo – traditional music from Malawi
John Cage: Child of Tree
Osvaldo Golijov: Mariel
Eric Sammut: Caméléon
Aurél Holló, Mátyás Holló (ütőhangszerek), Judit Szabó (cselló)

The concerts of the season 2020-21

9 May 2021 Equilibrium

Deák Square Church

MIKAMO Central European Chamber Orchestra
conductor: Ajtony Csaba
György Ligeti: Ramifications
Péter Tornyai: Symphonies of Strings (sursum corda)
Ajtony Csaba: Interlude from the cantate 'Ballade'

Open related article


26 May 2021 18:00 Silence

Buda Castle Church

Jonathan Harvey: Mortuous Plango, Vivos Voco

Bálint Bolcsó: New piece – world premiere (with Dóra Pétery, organ)

Bálint Laczkó: Itara – world premiere

Zsolt Cselenák: Fluctus

Máté Labus: Alma - world premiere

Mihály Kádár: Scattered space - world premiere

Jázon Kováts: Vonalak – world premiere

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31 May 2021 19:00 Reach

Hold Street Church

The concert has a new instrument, the glissonic tarogato in its focus. Improvisational interludes, featuring other instruments, connect pieces selected from our call for scores issues last year for glissotar.
Brian Abbott : Glissotar Etude - Jazz Traffic Jam
Bálint Bethlenfalvy : Táré
Cristian Fernández: Monólogos Australes
Lawrence Galve Parcón: Pánggas
Turkar Gasimzada: An #1
Tom Gurin: "Proverb"
Etienne Rolin: Graphic Glissotar
Judit Varga : Mérgelődős, bosszankodós // Nörgeln (belső párbeszéd képzelt és valós ellenségeinkkel)
Dániel Váczi (glissonic tarogato), Mihály Borbély (tarogato), János Bali (recorder & electronics), László Fassang (organ), Ajtony Csaba (organ), Tsilumos Ensemble, Gergely Fazekas (host)


The concerts of the season 2019-20

12 December 2019 Light
Hold Street Church

Nicolaus A. Huber: Clash Music
Heinz Holliger: Sequenzen über Johannes I, 32 for Harp
Béla Bartók: Mikrokosmos Nr.97 “Notturno” (arr. Duo HarPerc)
Dominique Schafer: Elliptic Boundaries (world premiere, written for Duo HarPerc)
Péter Eötvös: New Psalm
Xavier Dayer: Sitio (world premiere, written for Duo HarPerc)
Béla Bartók: Mikrokosmos Nr.109 Auf der Insel Bali (arr. Duo HarPerc)
Aaron Nahum Holloway: She had became a map (Hungarian Premier, written for Duo HarPerc)
György Ligeti: Musica Ricercata VII (arr. Duo HarPerc)

DuoHarperc – Virginie Tarrête (harp), Laszlo Hudacsek (percussion)

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6 May 2020, 19:00 Silence

Concert of Gergely Ittzés (flute) from the Buda Castle Lutheran Church (online)

Carl Philipp Emanuel BACH: Sonata per il Flauto traverso solo senza Basso – Solo Sonata in A minor
Isang YUN: Andante (Etude Nr 2 for Bass Flute)
Klaus HUBER: Ein Hauch von Unzeit – A Waft of Untime (for Alto Flute)
József SÁRI: Bird Song at Sunset (for piccolo)
Gergely ITTZÉS: Flute-variations  

Open related article 


The concerts of the season 2018-19

19 December 2018 The Equilibrium
Hold Street Church

Everyone has an experience of equilibrium: on the surface of the water, in the breeze, from joy. Held in the church with the best acoustics in Budapest – and with a baroque and electronic organ differently tuned – the concert creates a feeling of musical equilibrium.

Arvo Pärt: Fratres
Olivier Messiaen: La Nativité du Seigneur – Desseins éternels
Roman Haubenstock-Ramati: Multiple 1
Konrad Handschuh: Intersice (world premiere)
Roland Hegedüs: Partita (world premiere)
Paweł Siek: Osc. A. / endospore formation #1 (world premiere)
Mateusz Smigasiewicz: The shadow of what is missing (world premiere)
Eunho Chang: Illusion
Anestis Logothetis: Dispersion

Dariusz Przybylski (organ) and Ajtony Csaba (organ)

Open related article


25 April 2019 The Touch
Hold Street Church

Schönberg: Verklärte Nacht, Op. 4
Schubert: Overture in c minor, D.8.

Central European Chamber Orchestra (MKO. Mitteleuropäisches Kammerorchester)
Conductor: Ajtony Csaba

Open related article


8 May 2019 The Silence
Castle District Evangelical Church

György Kurtág: Signs, games and messages
Message-consolation à Christian Sutter
Pilinszky János: Gerard de Narval
Im Volkston
Socrates’ Farewell
Johann Sebastian Bach: Cello suite no. 2 in D minor BWV 1008 (selected movements)
Gergely Ittzés : Sound poems
Zoltán Jeney : Lungo i muri dei cimiteri del mondo
Tóru Takemitsu: Paths
Vincent Persichetti: Parable
Interludiums (by Ajtony Csaba and the performers)

Ditta Rohmann (cello) I Gergely Ittzés (flute) I Péter Solymosi (trumpet)

Open related article


26 May 2019 The Light
Deák Square Evangelical Church

Máté Balogh: Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr (world premiere)
Carlo Gesualdo: Io Tacerò arranged by Samu Gryllus
Bach arrangements for flute trio
Improvisations for the tune and text of the chorale Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr by Soundpainting

Quartetto Speranza - László G. Horváth (I.violin), Tamás Szabó (II. violin), Gergő Fajd (viola), Péter Háry (cello) I Zsuzsa Tornyainé Dóry (cello) I Éva Bodrogi (voice) I Flautett Flute Trio - Júlia Ernyey-Balogh (flute), Eszter Gedai (flute), Kinga Kovács (flute) I Dániel Váczi (glissonic, saxophone) I Ajtony Csaba (positive organ) I Samu Gryllus (soundpainting) I students of the Széchenyi István University Faculty of Arts (soundpainting)

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The concerts of the season 2017-18

16 December 2017 - The Light
Fuga Contemporary Architecture Center

Bálint Bolcsó: Fényetűd
Alban Berg: Vier Stücke für Klarinette und Klavier Op. 5. 
Ajtony Csaba: Zigid
Ajtony Csaba/ Samu Gryllus: tropization of Heitor Villa-Lobos "trio nr. 3” Samu Gryllus: Out on Stage - Monument No1.
Péter Eötvös: Erdenklavier Himmelklavier
György Ligeti: Étude No. 5 Arc-en-ciel
Painted light (Soundpainting)

Eszter Krulik (violin); Alexandra Kiss (viola); Judit Nagy (cello); Bálint Bolcsó (live electronics, visuals); Ajtony Csaba (piano); Horia Dumitrache (clarinet); Samu Gryllus (Soundpainting).


19 April 2018 - The Equilibrium
Hold Street Church

Juan Cabanilles: Tiento de falsas del primer tono
Johann Sebastian Bach: Chaconne BWV 1004
Johann Sebastian Bach: Die Kunst der Fuge
Contrapunctus 13 rectus, alio modo
Contrapunctus 13 inversus, alio modo
Olivier Messiaen: Offrande 
Le Banquet Céleste

Ajtony Csaba (organ), Dóra Pétery (organ)


17 May 2018 - The Silence
Hold Street Church

Péter Tornyai: fiori sfiorati
György Ligeti: Harmonies, Orgonaetüd no. 1.
Bálint Bolcsó: Talpalatnyi csend
Ajtony Csaba: Szemzene 
Andrea Szigetvári: Mindennapi csendjeim
Márton Illés: Három Akvarell

Ajtony Csaba (organ, conducting) I Bálint Bolcsó (electronics) I Horia Dumitrache (clarinet) I Balázs Horváth (conducting) I 
Kováts Jázon (sound design) I Tornyainé Dóry Zsuzsa (cello)